Tag Archives: mindfulness

Technology is wonderful…

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Adventure Challenge: What happens when you unplug from technology for an hour or two? Whatever your answer, try have a mini-adventure to find out and come back to tell the tale. The other day I found a wonderful quiet writing spot awash with charm, the humming of bees, the trickling of brooks, the complete package, […]

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Finding Balance – The Zen of Bike Riding

Laurie riding by the LA River on bike path
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Adventure Question: What things lead to Zen moments in your life? Have you ever found strength and peace from a struggle? Whatever your answer, try to have a mini-adventure doing some of that and come back to tell the tale. Past Adventure post: This was one of my favorite posts from my sparkpeople.com blog, and […]

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Happy Birthday new blog (and me)

Laurie by stack of prayer rocks she built on a fence while hiking
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Adventure Question: What types of things inspire you? Whatever your answer, try to have a mini-adventure to discover some of that and come back to tell the tale. Feb 26, 2013, a week or so before my birthday, I went on a hike pondering, as usual, what might be a good direction for me  to […]

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Three healthy things

Palm trees that I see while floating on my back in a hotel pool
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Adventure Question: What three things would describe vibrant health for you? Think about it for awhile, then try to have a mini-adventure doing some of that and come back to tell the tale. My nutrition class guru and friend, Stephanie, asked us for 3 things that describe health to us. Here are mine: 1. Freedom […]

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